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Dr. Louis Hassell
Cuspids, Inc.
3796 Ashley Phosphate Rd.
Charleston, SC 29418
Phone: (843) 767-3300
Fax: (843) 207-1627

Chewing the Facts

Dental Veneers: A Smile Makeover

Dental veneers are custom-designed shells of tooth-like ceramic material that, when applied over the surface of a tooth, can cover worn tooth enamel, uneven tooth alignment, gaps and chips or cracks. Dental porcelain veneers fall into the category of Cosmetic Dentistry because they create a bright, white smile with beautifully aligned, shapely teeth. Even better, the translucent ceramic quality of today's veneers provides a more natural look than what's been available in the past.

Regardless of what causes unattractive teeth, dental porcelain veneers may solve most or even all of your cosmetic dental issues, including:

Worn enamel : Over time, the thin, hard white substance covering your teeth (enamel) may become worn, dulled, and discolored. Such wear and discoloration may be natural or the result of a genetic predisposition; however, it is often a result of your habits (soft drink, tea, or coffee consumption, smoking, medication use, etc.).

· Wear and tear : Teeth naturally wear down as people age. Aged teeth are more likely to have chips, cracks, or a generally uneven appearance.

· Genetics : Certain people may be born with abnormal spacing between the teeth that grows wider as they age.

· Uneven teeth : Uneven teeth can result from tooth grinding or general wear and tear.

When are Veneers Appropriate?

Bonding often serves as an inexpensive and effective restoration for small chips and cracks in the teeth. Such minor problems may be functionally and cosmetically repaired with a composite "white filling." A composite resin material is bonded to the tooth in order to fill in the chip or crack and better protect the surrounding tooth structure. However, composite restorations can discolor and absorb different liquid colors over time and may have to be polished and or reconditioned. Therefore, for more severe cases of dullness, wear discoloration, chipping, cracking, spacing, or uneven teeth, dental porcelain veneers may be recommended as a more permanent solution.

Want to see how you will look in Veneers?

Sample veneers are now available! Measured, fitted and colored to give the appearance of natural teeth, they are applied by your dentist and can change your appearance dramatically. You'll have a hard time remembering they are just temporary.

Want to sample veneers? Call us and schedule an appointment.

We are happy to bring you sample veneers!

Sample veneers are temporary and provide a unique opportunity to see how you might look should you decide to get permanent veneers.

When sampling veneers, keep the following in mind:

- Sample veneers are not permanent and are projected to remain in place for a very short period of time, as little as 1-hour.

- Do not eat or drink while wearing sample veneers

- Do not use over-the-counter products to reattach veneers

- Do not smoke

Feel free to talk with Dr. Hassell about dental porcelain veneers and how he can help you significantly enhance your smile and get the look you've always wanted. And, should you decide to get permanent porcelain veneers Dr. Hassell will honor the fee for 90-days beginning with the day you sample the veneers.

So, why wait! Get that look you've always wanted!


Dr. Louis A. Hassell, DDS
3796 Ashley Phosphate Rd.
North Charleston , SC 29418