Meet the Dentist
Our Services
Affordable Payment Options
Chewing the Facts (Dental Column)
Dr. Hassell's Office
Dr. Louis Hassell
Cuspids, Inc.
3796 Ashley Phosphate Rd.
Charleston, SC 29418
Phone: (843) 767-3300
Fax: (843) 207-1627


What about Fluoride?

Fluoride, in proper dosage, has been shown to significantly reduce dental decay. When fluoridated water is less than the ideal amount or not available, fluoride supplements are recommended. Call your local water district is all that is necessary to determine whether your water has fluoride or not..

When supplements are needed, the administration of fluoride supplements should begin shortly after birth and continue through the time of eruption of the second permanent molars (approx. 12 years of age).

Regular dental check-ups should begin no later than 18 months of age.

If you have questions, please contact our office.

Cuspids, Inc.
3796 Ashley Phosphate Rd.
Charleston, SC 29418
Phone: (843) 767-3300