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Chewing the Facts (Dental Column)
Dr. Hassell's Office
Dr. Louis Hassell
Cuspids, Inc.
3796 Ashley Phosphate Rd.
Charleston, SC 29418
Phone: (843) 767-3300
Fax: (843) 207-1627


Dental Emergencies

Many people don't see a dentist on a regular basis. They go only when they feel they have a problem. We call this "crisis treatment" as opposed to "preventive treatment". While these patients may feel they are saving money, it usually ends up costing much more in both dollars and time. The reason for this is that most dental problems don't have any symptoms until they reach the advanced stages.

An example is tooth decay. We hear all the time, "Nothing hurts...I don't have any problems". But tooth decay doesn't hurt! Until, that is, it gets close to the nerve of the tooth.

Then a root canal and crown are usually necessary, instead of the small filling, which could have been placed several years ago when the cavity was small. We can usually detect a cavity 3-4 years before it may develop any symptoms. It is not uncommon to see a patient with a tremendous cavity and they have never felt a thing!

Diets low in certain nutrients reduce resistance to oral and dental infections, that is, periodontal disease (gum disease) and decay. A healthy immune system is essential to controlling periodontal disease.

Counseling in the Four Basic Food groups will improve dental health and general health. The consumption of sugar, especially in sticky forms or in a baby bottle while sleeping, contributes to the rapid development of dental decay.

The trace nutrient fluoride, may not be adequately supplied by bottle or municipal water supplies. Supplementation with oral tablets and topical application will reduce the incidence of dental decay by more than 60%.

Together, a balanced diet, daily use of fluoride, effective brushing, and sensible eating habits can reduce the risk of, or even prevent, infectious dental disease.

Please don't hesitate to call our office if you need more information on diet or fluoride supplementation and its relationship to dental health.

n the past, the loss of teeth (edentulism) was dismissed as a natural part of the aging process, and dentures were considered a normal sign of old age.

While such ignorance is rapidly becoming a thing of the past, there is still not a general awareness of the seriousness of edentulism. Multiple tooth loss is most commonly caused by periodontal disease, i.e. gum and bone disease. Periodontal disease has a high statistical correlation with chronic debilitating disease, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and arthritis.

If you have questions, please contact our office.

Cuspids, Inc.
3796 Ashley Phosphate Rd.
Charleston, SC 29418
Phone: (843) 767-3300